Hear me roar

Take a stand and let the world hear you roar against sexual violence.
August 17-24th is the third annual Mending Mads silent auction to raise money for RAINN. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nations largest anti-sexual violence organization. The Mending Mads silent auction came about after researching the recovery process of sexual assault survivors.  Last year $466.17 was raised and sent to RAINN. President and founder, Scott Berkowitz, wrote a lovely letter to say thank you for the donation. I’m looking for ebooks, signed paperbacks, bookmarks, swag, care packages; any goods or services you can offer as prizes for the auction.

********If you are interested in donating items or have questions, please email me at BridgetBlackwoodAuthor@gmail.com for more information.************

Why did I choose RAINN as Mending Mads charity of choice? One of Worth magazines top 100 charities, RAINN has helped 2.2 million people since 1994. When money is donated, ninety-three cents of every dollar goes directly to helping survivors.

How Donations Help
• Allows an average of 558 survivors to receive help through RAINN’s hotlines each day
• Improves sexual assault laws and policies to ensure that survivors get the justice they deserve
• Educates more than 130 million people per year on prevention and recovery through relationships with the entertainment industry, the media, and local communities
• Expands the use of DNA to eliminate the backlog of untested rape kits
Enlists the help of college administrators, Congress, and students on hundreds of campuses to hold colleges accountable for preventing and responding to sexual violence (rain.org)

If you’d like to see more in-depth financial information from RAINN (Form 990 Audited, reports), then please visit RAINN

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